December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
December 21, 2007
Blogger Challenge Week 26
December 15, 2007
Bloggers Challenge 25
December 11, 2007
Do you believe in alternate dimensions? I do. Now, I bet that's a fact you didn't know about me. There could be one floating right here besides me, (or you) at this very moment. You probably think I'm crazy, but there have been MANY oddball things happen in this world, that to discount an alternate dimension as existing would not be fair. This oddball fact could stem some serious discussion..but it's getting late and I have 2 more facts to let's move on.
Can you believe it is only 12 days before Christmas? Where has the month gone? Haven't done a lick of holiday shopping yet...i'm dreading the stores. Although, I do rather well when I shop under pressure.
OK..time to hit the sack. I DID finally finish up my Hoilday decorating. I'll be posting some photos tomorrow; just hope I get home from work at a reasonable hour.
December 10, 2007
GOSH it's warm outside!
Can you believe it is 71 degrees outside today and humid as can be. It sure is hard to get into the Holiday spirit when it feels like summer! I can't complain though. While I prefer it cold, I know many of you are dipping into the freezing weather. Keep warm and send some of those winter flurries this way!
Well, I've been tagged by little miss SUE! We all know these tags are made for sharing links with our fellow Blogging friends (you never know what you'll discover).
The name of the game is to share something about myself that you don't already know. Hum, anyone in the world can read a blog, so unless you know me personally, I'd say you probably know nothing about me, LOL, which in turn means I can share basicallly anything and it'll be news to you. goes.
- I am the QUEEN
of typos. Those who receive my Rubbapalooza newsletter can attest to that! What's bad is now that I have a Blog, the WORLD will know of them as well.
- I fall asleep when reading even for 5 minutes!
I've never been one for long stories. The only books that peak my interest are Visually Stimulating books
(i.e, Home and Gardening, Somerset Studio, etc.). Maybe it's due to the fact I like instant gratification. Maybe this is why I gave up on needlepoint and crochet LONG ago!
- I'm a trash to treasure girl. My husband would disagree...he'd say I'm a JUNK girl. If there is something that catches my eye and I think it's useable, I pick it up..regardless of where it is. My closets in fact are overflowing with my 'useful' findings, LOL. One night we took a family walk and I spotted this AMAZING old Remington typewriter the neighbors were throwing out. Yes, I know! This beauty was out by the curb just calling to me "bring me home".
Now, if you are into Altered Art, then you KNOW what a gem this was to find! It was rusty and used; and even had the old typewriter ribbon still in it. Apparently my husband didnt' think it was as valuable, so he threw it BACK out to the trash and OFF came my head! I'll leave last comment to your own imagination. of those man vs woman showdowns. If I threw out the crusty old golf bag sitting in the shed for 7 years now I'd never hear the end of it!- Hum, I think I'm supposed to do 7 of these things 'things about myself''. Oddly I can't think of's becausse I'm under pressure. Maybe I should ask what you'd like to know? We'll count this one as #4 and call it "The Gap".
- <<<>I do. Now, I bet that's a fact you didn't know about me. There could be one floating right here besides me, (or you) at this very moment. You probably think I'm crazy, but there have been MANY oddball things happen in this world, that to discount an alternate dimension as existing would not be fair. This oddball fact could stem some serious discussion..but it's getting late and I have 2 more facts to let's move on.
- OK, who's looking for typos, LOL? Here's another nothing fact about me: I don't read the newspaper or watch the news. Is that a worthy fact? I tend to look away from all the terrible things that are happening in the world. My co-worker calls it "Melanie's land of denial", while I simply call it "Melanie's happy dimension". With a family of 5, a full time job and my 'extra cirricula' activites, who has the time to deal with all the trama going on in the world? If there is something of REAL importance then it will trickle down to me somehow. My husband is good at keeping me informed of things I "should" know going on about the world.
OK..I am wiped out and need to hit the sack. Luckily for my victums (I mean, fellow Taggers), they will only need to post as many fun facts as I did.
Now to spread the LOVE! It's time to TAG some fellow Bloggers. Make sure you check out their blogs; they are some FABULOU-SO stampers!
You know what to do girls! Spread the LOVE.December 8, 2007
Blogger Challenge Week 24
December 2, 2007
Sisterhood 3 of Blogging Stampers
Speaking of holiday shopping...has anyone had to stand in a line for more than an hour for something? I left the house 1/2 hour early to head to Best Buy to purchase a Wii for the kids and found out 'while' I stood in line that they were out. Ever notice there is always one HOT holiday item that everyone seems to want? Well, I have no intentions of traveling to the far ends of the earth to find one of these...they will be available everywhere once the Holiday is over.
Now, onto the big news. I subscribed to a great new group called "The Sisterhood of Blogging Stampers". It's basically a group of stampers that support one another by sharing artwork through their blogs. I'm really looking forward to getting to know the group. It's always nice meeting others who enjoy the same hobbies as I do.
It felt like Spring here today (well...more like the beginning of Summer). I went outside yesterday to clean the kitchen wire rack and saw these beauties in full bloom. Of course, they have been in bloom for over a week now; I just slooooooooooooowed down enough to get a photo of them.
These mums are from last years Halloween display in the front yard. I threw them in the side yard until I could find them an official home. Looks like they decided for me.
These photos are gonna be what brightens my day when the temps eventually dip into the 30's.
Look at the little cucumber beetle! Doesn't he know it's December? He should be in hiding until Spring.