So, upon arising this morning, I glanced at the calendar and noticed October ends in 3 days. Sadly I looked a few weeks further and made note of several deadlines coming sooner than expected along with Thanksgiving.
Sunday is November 1st, the biggest "List-making" day of the year (no statistic there, just my own personal list-making skills kicking in gear). It's probably more accurate to say it's the biggest list-making "Month" of the year.
Not sure where I'm going with this. The fact that I looked at that calendar and went through the entire month of November in just seconds was scary.
Moving on.
Here's a preview of the November Paper Club Fanatics Club (PCF).
This November Paper Craft Fanatics issue focuses on the "True Friends" stamp set and the Autumn Meadows Designer Paper. Why not use that beautiful paper whilst it's still available?
Each issue issue is $5.00, release the 14th of each month. The November issue will be released the FIRST of the month (give you time to get those Fall cards done). The December issue will be up and viewable for the 14th of the same month (Holiday cards of course, you need to start them now).
Once payment is received, I provide the code for you to download the PDF (which will be released on November 1st).
NOVEMBER SPECIAL: Purchase$25 in product from my SU! website or email me your order and you get the tutorial for free. My guess is you'll want the Autumn Meadows DSP.
If you'd like just the PCF issue, simply use the Paypal Button below.
Now for a little tidbit about the happenings around my abode.
The kids decorated for Halloween last weekend and hung this hideous thing up outside my craft room. The spouse purchased it last year and I had trouble with it then. It's horrid and creepy. For 3 days this thing swung and stared at my while I worked. Talk about effecting your creative mojo!
Our daughter finally turned it around and tied it to the column (a request her father had been making for 3 days). Still gives me the Hebee jeebies looking at the back of it.
Please ignore the dirty windows. That's dog slob-uh (another creative mojo inhibitor).
Speaking of "Da Beast". Here he is in all his glory. Don't be fooled by those puppy-dog eyes. He's in my way and I'm asking him to move (he is refusing).
You see, there is a love seat just 2 more feet right behind my chair. There's little space to move already between the table and chair without having That Dog in the way. This translates into having limited space for moving between the table and chair. I get up and down often while crafting so I can get to my supplies (the table has limited space).
There is another reason I'd rather he leave the room. I hear his stomach churning all the time...which translates into foul odor when you least expect it. In turn, it requires me to leave my crafting spot until things are smelling "sunshine fresh". I'm more afraid he's going to smell up my card stock.
More on the home front. My youngest offspring has taking on drawing. That makes me quite happy. He's been watching me drawing and painting. It's a good feeling knowing your children are watching and learning from you.
Here has has drawn himself along with an image of me. He said in this photo I was holding him (which is why I'm puzzled as to why he's on the bottom of the sheet). I love what he's done with my hair; and he's gotten parts of the anatomy right :-)
I wonder if he randomly located the pupil of the eye or if he was trying to note that I'm always rolling mine?
October 28, 2009
October 26, 2009
Matchbox Bonuses
I've created some more freebie matchbox creations. You can view the boxes here and if you register for, you can get the free downloads for creating your very own "Mactchbox Memories" keepsake box.

Matchbox Bonuses from Melanie Schulenberg on Vimeo.
More how-to videos available in the "Matchbox Memories Workshop" group. These matchbox tutorials are free. Sign up at:

October 23, 2009
A space to create
Finalized a few projects I have been working on. It was time to get back in gear for Halloween art. First thing on the list, get my work station cleaned.
Here is what it looked like after I cleaned up a bit. It was MUCH worse than this. I have a habit of starting off with a big area to craft and work myself into a teeny, tiny workspace. See that grid sheet in the center of the table? That was the only thing you could see before I took the photo.

Here's what it looked like after. I took all of the 'tidbits' on the table from the upper right corner and threw them into a tin pan. Generally I like to sort it out so I can find it in the future but I was trying to cram in some art time before the kids came home. No time for sorting just yet.
That stack of papers on the upper left-hand side of the table was under the SB paper you see in the photo above.
What happens now? Start making Halloween projects and restock the table with 'stuff', eventually narrowing my work space back down to that one little grid sheet.

Here is Jack, aka "The Beast". He is what keeps me company the entire day. Not that I 'need' the company or want it. He follows me around the entire day; well, most of it, part of the time he's sleeping
When I'm creating, he shows up in the same room and stares out the window. It's worse around 3pm when he knows the kids will be coming home.
Still not sure why the spouse thought we needed yet another thing to take care of. Just something else to clean up after (taking time away from my creating). He is a pretty dog though, and trained if there is 'food' involved, otherwise, he's got free reign to do what he wants to you. Both the boys hit the ground when they see the dog coming, otherwise he'll knock them right over. He's as strong as an ox. Well, strong enough for the 5 yo to ride on his back until I catch him and make him get off.

OK, enough of That Dog. Here's one of the cards I put together whilst waiting for the kiddos to arrive. Two projects developed during this particular stamping hour, but I'll have to wait to share the other b/c the 5yo is in the back crying (his big brother left him alone; he's still in the "scared of being alone" phase).

Have a great weekend everyone!
Here is what it looked like after I cleaned up a bit. It was MUCH worse than this. I have a habit of starting off with a big area to craft and work myself into a teeny, tiny workspace. See that grid sheet in the center of the table? That was the only thing you could see before I took the photo.
Here's what it looked like after. I took all of the 'tidbits' on the table from the upper right corner and threw them into a tin pan. Generally I like to sort it out so I can find it in the future but I was trying to cram in some art time before the kids came home. No time for sorting just yet.
That stack of papers on the upper left-hand side of the table was under the SB paper you see in the photo above.
What happens now? Start making Halloween projects and restock the table with 'stuff', eventually narrowing my work space back down to that one little grid sheet.
Here is Jack, aka "The Beast". He is what keeps me company the entire day. Not that I 'need' the company or want it. He follows me around the entire day; well, most of it, part of the time he's sleeping
When I'm creating, he shows up in the same room and stares out the window. It's worse around 3pm when he knows the kids will be coming home.
Still not sure why the spouse thought we needed yet another thing to take care of. Just something else to clean up after (taking time away from my creating). He is a pretty dog though, and trained if there is 'food' involved, otherwise, he's got free reign to do what he wants to you. Both the boys hit the ground when they see the dog coming, otherwise he'll knock them right over. He's as strong as an ox. Well, strong enough for the 5 yo to ride on his back until I catch him and make him get off.
OK, enough of That Dog. Here's one of the cards I put together whilst waiting for the kiddos to arrive. Two projects developed during this particular stamping hour, but I'll have to wait to share the other b/c the 5yo is in the back crying (his big brother left him alone; he's still in the "scared of being alone" phase).

Have a great weekend everyone!
October 21, 2009
Matchbox Memories
Here's a fun Matchbox Keepsake box I created using the matchbox die cut from SU! You can get the free video tutorial for signing up for my NING account.
The box sports some lovely Zoo photos but you can create a box to suit your own needs. Think of replacing photos with friendship phrases or verses. Stuff the boxes with chocolates and share it with a friend.

The box sports some lovely Zoo photos but you can create a box to suit your own needs. Think of replacing photos with friendship phrases or verses. Stuff the boxes with chocolates and share it with a friend.
October 19, 2009
Tour de Freaks ~ October
Tomorrow is the 20th of the month, and that means another Tour de Freaks blog hop. Today (the 19th), you're catching us during set-up, getting out all the kinks. The blog is official up tomorrow though, so make sure you come back then and see it again in all it's glory.
This month's theme is "That Special Holiday Card". If you're starting from me, then make sure you check out Julie Dinn, her blog is just before mine. She's our fearless Tour mom and has some beautiful projects to share. You can get to her blog by selecting the huge TOUR link above.
To me, nothing says holiday more than sparkly, shining, glitter. Here I took the new Serene Snowflakes stamp set and cut out the main snowflake. Stamped that puppy in Versamark and then went to town with the Cosmo Glitter (seems I can't get enough of that stuff).
The background paper is the new Cocoa DSP in the Holiday Mini. I ran it through that fancy texturz plate to give it a little more umph. Can you see the Bermuda Bay snowflakes on the background paper as well?
Here's a close-up of the texturz plate and the Bermuda Bay snowflakes.
The next card uses the same DSP from the Holiday Mini. The stamp set of choice is Patterned Pines (it's a hostess set you know). The white snowflake on the Burgundy disc is embossed in white. The burgundy snowflake was stamped on the Sahara Sand paper and cut out by hand; with the top snowflake being stamped in Soft Suede and removed with the Boho Punch.
This was a fun card to make. You know what REALLY makes a difference? Stamping that background paper with the tiny star using Burgundy ink. It pulls the card together ( does).
The patterned paper under the medallion embellishment is the backside of the big snowflake paper. I loved using it; keeping all the papers in the same family.
Here's a closeup of the medallion embellishment. Can you see all the sparkle from the Shimmer Paint?
There you have it! I hope these ideas will help get you started on your own holiday cards.
Next up on the tour is the fabulous Connie Babbert. You can get to her blog by simply selecting the Blog link below. See you next month!
October 15, 2009
Mixed Media sneak peek
A closer sneak peek of my upcoming online workshop: WAY Beyond Basics: Mixed Media and SU!.
This online workshop is designed to show you how to extend your rubberstamping supplies beyond cardmaking and scrapbooking.
This online workshop is designed to show you how to extend your rubberstamping supplies beyond cardmaking and scrapbooking.
Altered Art,
home decor,
mixed media,
online workshop,
October 14, 2009
October 12, 2009
October 8, 2009
Embossed florets Pop-up Tree
Hum, it's been almost a week. Of course, while I'm not posting I'm creating...something that hopefully will benefit everyone :-)
Yesterday I spent 4 hours at the unemployment office. Oye! That was a very experience.
OK...let's get on to my latest project. This technique/project was actually completed last week, thus my "I'll share on Sunday" blurb. Of course, being the multi-tasker I am, I put it to the side until I could compile the images.
It's a small tutorial on how to extend the use of your Petals of Plenty embossing plate and your Boho Punch. The flowers on this particular die are placed tightly together. This fact alone makes for a very detailed and attractive background.
The tutorial is not all that difficult. Just some coloring in and punching out. If you want to see the images closer, select the main collage and to view the text.

Here are a few extra images and details that might be helpful.

Here's an entire sheet. Now THIS took some time. I needed something monotonous to do, while I sorted out the details for my next project, my "Matchbox Memories". Ya gonna LOOOOOVE it! Of course I had to video the entire process. Now the editing begins (which takes the longest).

Yesterday I spent 4 hours at the unemployment office. Oye! That was a very experience.
OK...let's get on to my latest project. This technique/project was actually completed last week, thus my "I'll share on Sunday" blurb. Of course, being the multi-tasker I am, I put it to the side until I could compile the images.
It's a small tutorial on how to extend the use of your Petals of Plenty embossing plate and your Boho Punch. The flowers on this particular die are placed tightly together. This fact alone makes for a very detailed and attractive background.
The tutorial is not all that difficult. Just some coloring in and punching out. If you want to see the images closer, select the main collage and to view the text.

Here are a few extra images and details that might be helpful.
After daubing the flowers in Soft Suede, I took my red market and dotted the center. Don't get intimidated. This when by much quicker than you would think.

Here's an entire sheet. Now THIS took some time. I needed something monotonous to do, while I sorted out the details for my next project, my "Matchbox Memories". Ya gonna LOOOOOVE it! Of course I had to video the entire process. Now the editing begins (which takes the longest).

Center a flower in the punch. Don't freak out that there are 8 embossed petals and only 6 on the punch. No one will notice on the final product (believe me).

Smash a glue dot where you want a glittery ornament and then sprinkle your desired colored of glitter on top. You need to place the glue dot directly on the tree, unless you have some really skilled technique of putting the glitter on the dot and then placing it on the tree without messing up the dot.

Smash a glue dot where you want a glittery ornament and then sprinkle your desired colored of glitter on top. You need to place the glue dot directly on the tree, unless you have some really skilled technique of putting the glitter on the dot and then placing it on the tree without messing up the dot.
October 2, 2009
Cosmo Christmas Card
How many of you reading this blog stay at home? I am (only because I was laid off back in April). It seems I am so much busier when working at home than in an office. Why is that?
Each day is crammed with to-do lists. My goal is to get as many house chores done (which includes running the streets), so when the family gets home we can spend time together. To Relax. Knowing everything is in order/cleaned, gives us all time to have fun and to do our own thing. For me that means I can get in my art room.
Who am I kidding? That's always my goal, to get in my art room. My goal this weekend; to finish painting my sketches between football games and birthday parties.
Now, how 'bout a creative share today? Here is a card I created for DaRubbaBlock Design Team Sampler.
If you'd like to view a copy of the current DaRubbaBlock DT Sampler, email me and I'll send you the PDF. Make sure you "Sign Up for Inspiration" in the little box located on the upper left side of this site. You'll receive all future mailings directly to your inbox.
Each day is crammed with to-do lists. My goal is to get as many house chores done (which includes running the streets), so when the family gets home we can spend time together. To Relax. Knowing everything is in order/cleaned, gives us all time to have fun and to do our own thing. For me that means I can get in my art room.
Who am I kidding? That's always my goal, to get in my art room. My goal this weekend; to finish painting my sketches between football games and birthday parties.
Now, how 'bout a creative share today? Here is a card I created for DaRubbaBlock Design Team Sampler.
The stamp set used for this card is from the True Friends stamp set.
The glitter on the upper image was adhered with Heat and Stick. If you're looking for something to hold glitter securely to your artwork, Heat and Stick is your answer.
The glitter on the upper image was adhered with Heat and Stick. If you're looking for something to hold glitter securely to your artwork, Heat and Stick is your answer.
If you'd like to view a copy of the current DaRubbaBlock DT Sampler, email me and I'll send you the PDF. Make sure you "Sign Up for Inspiration" in the little box located on the upper left side of this site. You'll receive all future mailings directly to your inbox.
Here's my lastest sketch. It looks very plain now, but soon it will have some texture and embellishes added to it. Gearing up for Mardi Gras ya know.
Thought I'd share a few images inside my family life. Here is what keeps me company during the day. A dog who is ALWAYS under my feet. He's sleeping now.
Sometimes when he's into a deep sleep, I get the can of compressed air and scare the be-jeepers out of him. I consider it payback for all the unexpected attacks he puts me through. To often he comes running out of nowhere and jumps me. Getting caught off guard by a + 100 lb dog jumping on you is NOT something you'd want to experience.
Lastly, brothers 1 and 2, playing with daddy's electric screwdriver. Pretty smart of them to wear a glove. It's harmless really and keeps them busy. Glad they've decided to drill in a piece of scrap wood instead of their bedroom walls!
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