Hello friends! Been wondering where I've been? Here's the scoop.
First I'd like to say hello to all of my new stamping friends and vendors

I'll be seeing many of you soon at my May 2
nd Mother's Day, Father's Day event at Whole Foods in Baton Rouge.
Let's bring out my latest stamping ventures. May 2
nd I will be holding another stamping workshop at the Whole Foods Market in Baton Rouge from 6:30pm - 8:00pm (check my EVENTS link in the sidebar for more info). If you'd like to join us, you should RSVP soon. The class is half filled already! This month we will be working on Mother's Day and Father's Day cards. Cards that can be used for any woman or man in your life really. As an added bonus, I will bring marble tiles and show everyone how to create a wonderful home accessory. Here's a sneak peek of the two cards we will be doing:
Here's an image of our feminine card:

...and our Masculine card:

The following is a sneak peek of my Rose Cottage
Quik card class. This class will be available May 17
th in the a.m. Find out all the details
HERE. In a nutshell, I have created 12 cards from this one Simply
Scrappi' Kit and still have 1/2 of the product left over to make
another 12 cards! I couldn't think of anything better to for those end-of-the-year teacher gifts! What teacher wouldn't enjoy hand-made
note cards?
Sneak peek 1:

Sneak Peek 2:

Sneak Peek 3:

Now, on to non-craft related business. This little beauty has nested once again in the coconut basket I had sitting on my grow rack. Last year she had 3 different broods (if that's the correct term for multiple dove pregnancies). Probably not the best thing to have around, a dove in a fiber basket. They carry lice and
amongst other things, but I love having them close by. Did you know a Dove means Peace to your home (or so I was told)? The babies last year hung
around the house for weeks (even though they could fly).
These babies must have hatched recently because Sunday I checked the nest and didn't see any babies. Can they grow that big in two days?
Here she is in her third trimester. Why, she doesn't look uncomfortable at all. What IS her secret?

....and here as a proud mom.
Notice how she is holding her chest up much higher? Besides for being proud of her accomplishment, she is cover this second
hatch ling underneath.

Other antics of Sunday included taking photos of the kids on my wooden star. My neighbor found this beauty at a garage sale a year ago and decided after a year she'd didn't want it. I LOVE it! She had it in her carport and you could see it from the street. It always looked so nice there. Now it's all mine. Not sure what it was used for originally, but I can tell you what it's good for...and what it's not.
It's GREAT for taking photos of the kids on. I've also taking photos of my cards displayed on it before.

What it's not good for is hanging on. When you find it in THIS position......

THIS happens.........

Poor baby. We were having so much fun until I walked inside for just one minute. Maybe if it wasn't the four year old it wouldn't have been so bad. He tried to run as it was coming down but just couldn't get far enough. Now we're dealing with a broken foot.
Needless to say I've been home since Monday with him, carrying him everywhere. He just started putting a little pressure on it today.
In between carrying our not so little one around all day, I popped out into my garden to see my beeeeeeeeutiful amaryllis blooming. Luckily I was able to see this before it broke, unlike my Red Lion Amaryllis (....due to the basketball bouncing mysteriously onto the patio table and knocking it off....hum).
Isn't she lovely? I'm going to make a garden album of it one day! What do you think of those triple layered petals??
Here she is from the side..
....and a close-up of the throat.
OK. I've got lots of time to make up at work tomorrow so time to hit the sack...and pick up the house...again.