I took some time this past weekend to bake a little. I dont' really have the pateince any more to do much baking, unless it's quick and painless.
I'd be more than happy to share the recipes with you, but don't count on me to tell you what goes in the bowl. The recipes were useless to me really being that I didn't follow ANY of them correctly. That's what I get for rushing.
Let's start with the "No Bake" Orange Cookie Balls. Here we have a box of crushed vanilla wafers, coconut, orange juice concentrate, pecans and powdered sugar all in one bowl.

Once the ingreds. are mixed, I stuck it all in a ziplock bag to get cold (b/c the recipe said so...that much I DID follow). Below is the hard cookie dough plopped on a plate.

Below I've created semi-round balls with a melon scoop (aren't I clever). These no-bake cookies are placed neatly (somewhat) on a baking sheet for placing in the oven.

I am trying to complete these cookies by memory. What the heck is this extra powder sugar for? It must be for rolling the cookies in b/c they look completely boring like they are. Let's dump the rolled cookies 5 at a time in a ziplock bag (more if you're ImPaTieNt!), shake and turn to coat them and place them back on the baking sheet.

It is just then I am realizing that these are ~ NO BAKE COOKIES. So why in the heck am I using a cookie sheet?
Hum. These sure dont' look like they used to. Wasn't there coconut on the outside of the cookie last time I made them? Oooooooooooohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh! The extra powdered sugar was used to make a thin icing which held the COCONUT to the outside of the cookie. Oh well, it's all going down the same shoot, so who cares if the coconut is inside or oustide; it all taste the same in the end.

Now, on to Magic Cookie Bars. Yum, don't these look good?

Here's what I did: Crush graham crackers and 1/2 stick of butter; pour butter over graham crackers. Pour a can of condensed milk over this.

Add chocolate chip morsels, pecans on top.
Coconut on top of that.
Hum. It looks wrong. I think the chocolate chips and pecans were supposed to go first and then the condensed milk..then the coconut. Oh well, it's ALL going down the same way. No one will ever no!
Look at that dog waiting for us to drop something.
I made some dough the week before for Choclolate Chip Cookies. It was DISGUSTINGLY salty (I think b/c I used salted butter). I only had 1 cup of flour and was trying to make it work. Well, it didn't, so I had to get more flour and other 'things' to try and correct it. I mixed up 'stuff', put it in a ziplock and put it in the fridge till I had time to deal with baking it.
Here it is out of the ziplock ready to be made into chocolate chip cookies. UGH. This dough is really hard. I don't feel like standing here making cookies. Let's just chop it up and....
mush it in this pampered chef pan. There! All done. That was really quick!
These cookies still tasted a little salty but the men at the office eat ANYTHING!
I'm being kicked off the computer yet AGAIN! This is why I never post to my blog; competing with a husband and 3 children for computer time! Mommy wants her own computer for Christmas!